15 marzo 2010

Toyota respira, gracias a los socialmedia...

Parece que la suerte de Toyota está cambiando... gracias a los medios sociales. Así describe Doug Frisbie, National Social Media and Marketing Integration Manager de la empresa, sus acciones de las últimas semanas: "Toyota's been able to be so aggressive in social media largely because around Feb. 1 it created a social-media response room, always staffed with six to eight people monitoring the online conversation and responding at all times. It's answering consumers on its four Facebook pages; it created a Twitter chat with Jim Lentz, Toyota Motor Sales USA president-chief operating officer; and it created two new platforms, one with Digg and the other on Tweetmeme called Toyota Conversations to aggregate online chatter and allow Toyota to respond directly. Mr. Frisbie said the Digg dialogue attracted nearly 1 million views in its first five days after launching Feb. 8."
Un testimonio que da qué pensar sobre el papel de los medios sociales para construir la propia reputación, y la importancia de hablar para salir de las crisis. 

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